Crown Paints Kenya PLC: Moyo Primary School in Kajiado County Crowned with a Facelift

Located in Olgulului Amboseli – Kajiado County, in Kenya, Moyo Primary School was initiated by parents who took a leap of faith in June 2019 to start the school under a tree. This village is arguably among the remotest in the County, with poor road and mobile phone networks. Most locals are pastoralists with meagre resources who live in manyattas (traditional huts).

Crown Paints Kenya PLC: Moyo Primary School in Kajiado County Crowned with a Facelift

Located in Olgulului Amboseli – Kajiado County, in Kenya, Moyo Primary School was initiated by parents who took a leap of faith in June 2019 to start the school under a tree. This village is arguably among the remotest in the County, with poor road and mobile phone networks. Most locals are pastoralists with meagre resources who live in manyattas (traditional huts).

While on a tour of Amboseli National Park a Norwegian good Samaritan, Taran Berthelsen, came across pupils studying under a tree despite the looming danger around as wild animals roamed freely and whirlwinds of dust were dominant features. The Norwegian, on seeing the plight of the young learners, started reaching out to friends for fundraising to put up a permanent structure that would provide a comfortable and safe environment for the pupils. After completing the construction, she reached out to Crown Paints who gladly partnered with her by donating paint, furniture, water tanks and stationeries to enhance normal learning.

Crown Paints Kenya PLC

Crown Paints PLC Group Human Resources Manager, Nicholas Wanambisi who officiated the opening of the new school, said the paint firm wanted to be part of the noble cause; “This is an oasis of hope for the community that is poor and marginalized. There is no better way to empower them than giving their children much-needed education”, Wanambisi argued.

The number of learners rose from an initial 25 to 75 students, with more girls enrolling than boys, within three weeks of completion and handing over of the structure to the parents of Olgulului area. The school now boasts a three-classroom block, permanent administration offices, and decent washrooms.

Crown Paints Kenya PLC

Previously under the tree, students used to sit on the floor and write in the sand on the ground, while teachers had no blackboard or pieces of chalk. During rainy seasons studies were hampered as the pupils’ “books” were drenched and they had nowhere to sit.

Formal education in the area is not available for locals, with a recent survey indicating only one or two people have basic formal education in every homestead and most adults are illiterate.


  • ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 78848 – 00507, Likoni Road, Industrial Area, Nairobi, Kenya
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