Kenya Education

List of all articles filed under “kenya-education” category.

Crown Paints Kenya Supports Initiative to Raise Funds for Education Bursary and Polio Eradication

The Rotary Club of Malindi celebrated its 32nd charter anniversary, and one of the ways they raise funds for education bursaries and polio eradication is through the Annual Malindi Marathon/Charity Walk, now in its eleventh year. Crown Paints Kenya PLC, in collaboration with Rhagib Stores, proudly supports the Malindi Marathon since its inception, as part of their commitment to business partners and CSR initiatives.

Bridging the Tech Talent Gap: CEO Snehar Shah on Moringa School’s Journey to Empower African Youth

Snehar Shah shares his assessment of the IT sector in Kenya and presents Moringa School, a multi-disciplinary learning accelerator committed to closing the skills gap in Africa’s job markets by delivering transformative tech-based learning to high-potential jobseekers; and on graduation connecting them to local and international employers who desire high-quality tech talent.

Craydel: Helping Students and Working Professionals in Africa Search and Apply to Their Best-Fit Higher Education

Manish Sardana discusses access to higher education in Africa and presents Craydel, an online platform that aims at re-engineering how students and working professionals in Africa search, discover and apply to their best-fit higher education. With offices in Kenya and Nigeria, Craydel is on a mission to democratize access to quality higher education throughout the continent.

Crown Paints Kenya: Misufini Primary School Emerges Top of this Year’s Crown Your Art Competition

Crown Paints has spent over Ksh 2 million during this year’s Crown Your Art Competition where three primary schools emerged as winners. The competition involves primary schools across the country submitting their artwork and the final artwork from top ten nominees are uploaded on the microsite for the public to vote their favorite artist.

Crown Paints Kenya PLC: Moyo Primary School in Kajiado County Crowned with a Facelift

Located in Olgulului Amboseli – Kajiado County, in Kenya, Moyo Primary School was initiated by parents who took a leap of faith in June 2019 to start the school under a tree. This village is arguably among the remotest in the County, with poor road and mobile phone networks. Most locals are pastoralists with meagre resources who live in manyattas (traditional huts).

Kenya Education: Ashut Continues to Dominate the Market With its High-End, Locally Produced Classroom Furniture

Ashut Engineers Ltd continues to dominate the Kenyan market with high-end, locally produced classroom furniture. With over 40 years of industrial experience, Ashut Engineers prides itself as a leading manufacturer of assorted high-quality furniture for educational institutions from kindergarten to tertiary learning institutions.

Ashut Partnering with Fruity Schools Africa to Nourish, Sweeten and Brighten the Future of Kenyan Children

As part of corporate social responsibility of giving back to the society, Ashut has sponsored the Fruity Schools Africa project, an initiative to nourish, sweeten and brighten the future of the children of Kenya. Under the Fruity Schools project, different varieties of fruit trees were planted in 337 schools in Nairobi in 2021, each school having an orchard of 41 fruit trees.

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