KAMCO’s 2015 strategy

Faisal M. Sarkhou, CEO of KAMCO talks about KAMCO’s 2015 strategy.

Faisal M. Sarkhou, CEO of KAMCO talks about KAMCO’s 2015 strategy.

He says, “Our strategy in 2015 with our board and shareholders´ support is to continue to focus on our core activities of asset management and investment banking, to continue to fine tune our capital structure by reducing non-core investments and increasing core investments We are also aiming to reduce our leverage position in the company; focusing on our core activities we are growing our assets under management with more managed funds than we traditionally used to. We are enhancing our team internally so we are in hiring mode, strengthening our human resources and human capital capabilities with an aim to grow assets under management and investment banking transactions. Those are the core elements of our strategy for the coming year.”

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