Exploding Diabetes Rates in Kuwait: Kuwait Heading to a Collapse

Kuwait has the 3rd highest rate of Diabetes. About 250,000 (out of 1.2 million Kuwaitis) suffer from diabetes I or II. Dr. Kazem Behbehani, Director General of Dasman Diabetes Institute, warns about potential economic & social collapse.

Kuwait has the 3rd highest rate of Diabetes. About 250,000 (out of 1.2 million Kuwaitis) suffer from diabetes I or II. Dr. Kazem Behbehani, Director General of Dasman Diabetes Institute, warns about potential economic & social collapse. Dr. Behbehani admits that the Diabetes epidemic started 20 years ago. To fight the disease Dasman Diabetes Institute is developing advance educational programs for the youth – the most vulnerable age group.

Dr. Behbenahi’s advice is clear: “Exercise and eat less.”


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