Foreign Policy

imported 2024-03-17 17:43:08

Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development: Projects, Highlights, and Changes

“55 years is a long time. So if you look at it from the beginning, we started with Arab countries and then moved on to non-Arab countries in Africa and Asia. You know what happened with the Arab Spring in different countries such as Syria, amongst others, where Kuwait Fund started with developmental aid, particularly in terms of building physical projects to enhance the economies of countries that we support,” says Abdulwahab Al-Bader, Director General of Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development.

Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development: Over 55 Years of Changing Lives of the Poorest and Least Developed

“55 years is a long time… we started with Arab countries and then moved on to non-Arab countries in Africa and Asia. You know what happened with the Arab Spring in different countries such as Syria, amongst others, where Kuwait Fund started with developmental aid, particularly in terms of building physical projects to enhance the economies of countries that we support.”

An Interview with Nechirvan Barzani: The Priority is to Achieve Self-Sufficiency within the new Federal Iraq

The government of Kurdistan Region is doing everything necessary to achieve self-sufficiency of the Region within the new federal Iraq. Kurdistan Region is well-known for its investment-friendly law thanks to which the Investment Board of Kurdistan has been so far able to attract more than $22 billion of investments since 2006. Mr. Barzani also stresses the importance of understanding and recognition of the difficulties the Region had to overcome in the past.

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