DPSI Ghana: Mukesh Thakwani Discusses Latest Achievements and Shares his Vision for Excellence

Explore the latest accomplishments and future vision of DPS International Ghana with Mukesh Thakwani. Celebrating outstanding achievements, including prestigious scholarships and awards, DPSI Ghana takes pride in its holistic education approach. Mukesh Thakwani discusses academic triumphs, upcoming goals, and the school’s commitment to social responsibility through CSR initiatives.

Mukesh Thakwani, Chairman of DPS International Ghana

Interview with Mukesh Thakwani, Chairman of DPS International Ghana

Could you share the most recent developments regarding DPSI and provide information on any projects currently in progress?

DPS International Ghana has been delivering exceptional results, and we take great pride in that. This year has been particularly noteworthy, with several of our students securing impressive scholarships, including a notable 100% scholarship at Howard University. It is a moment of pride for DPSI. We have also garnered numerous national and international awards, triumphing in different sections of a recent interschool competition. Presently, over 20 international universities are actively presenting themselves at DPSI, aiming to attract students from various parts of the world.

What are some of the successes you are particularly proud of achieving this year?

I am delighted to share that we secured the championship in the Spelling Bee, Badminton, and Art competitions. Our performance in various interschool competitions was outstanding, and we emerged victorious in the Science Olympiad as well. Day by day, DPSI continues to achieve excellence, receiving numerous awards both nationally and internationally, a source of great pride for us. We are dedicated to nurturing future leaders, and academically, this year’s results have been among the best. We eagerly anticipate the British Council Award functions to further gauge our achievements. Our students, wherever they go, continue to make us proud. With our holistic approach to education, we not only focus on academics but also strive to create value for the entire society through the development of essential skills.

What is your vision for the upcoming year?

At DPS International Ghana, our holistic approach encompasses not just academics but also emphasizes extracurricular activities such as debate competitions, sports, arts and craft, dance, and music. This year, we achieved significant success with a fantastic play titled “Price,” which received acclaim from a full house audience, including ambassadors, diplomats, and government officials. Looking ahead, DPSI is committed to excelling in all sectors, whether it be sports, academics, or non-academic pursuits. We are dedicated to delivering the best, and I express heartfelt gratitude to all parents for their belief in DPSI and the team. Rest assured, we are unwaveringly committed to the well-being of the children and ensuring the creation of the finest future leaders for Ghana and West Africa.

Given your involvement in CSR activities, could you elaborate on any upcoming plans or initiatives you would like to highlight?

As Founder and CEO of B5 Plus, the company consistently engages in various CSR activities, contributing to society in multiple ways. Whether it is offering free education, supporting competitions, collaborating with organizations, hosting free medical camps, or recently organizing a blood donation drive, B5 Plus and DPSI are committed to active participation in social activities. We were honored with an award from the Ministry of Health for our contributions during the COVID period. During that time, we provided over two years of free oxygen to more than 100 government and private hospitals. Recognition for such noble causes motivates us to continually strive for excellence and ensure our ongoing commitment to benefiting society in our own way.

ABOUT DPSI GHANA: DPSI was commenced in the year 2010 aiming for quality education and excellent learning, providing holistic, modern, comprehensive, technology-driven classes right from Creche to A Level. With the motto “Service Beyond Self”, DPSI strives to excel the needs of children in Ghana and its neighbouring countries.


  • WEBSITE: dpsghana.edu.gh
  • ADDRESS: DPS International Ghana, Community 25, Tema, Ghana
  • CONTACT: (+233) 55 662 0540 / (+233) 54 435 3199 / (+233) 54 434 9579
  • EMAIL: dpsghana@yahoo.com





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