Ghana Education: DPSI Students Awarded at the National Spelling Bee Competition

Ghana Education: DPSI Students Awarded at the National Spelling Bee Competition

Young Educators Foundation, organizers of The Spelling Bee Ghana, started with over 500 spellers from across the country for the 2022 edition of the National Competition.

In the end, 10 year old, N’Adom Darko-Asare of DPS International won the 2022 Ghana National Spelling Bee Competition, which was held at Alisa Hotel on 5th February, 2022.

The National Champion takes home:
• An engraved trophy
• A trip to Washington DC (USA) in May to represent Ghana at the 2022 Scripps National Spelling Bee
• $500 spending money
• A fully installed DStv Explora decoder with a 6-month subscription
• Indomie Ghana products
• A gold medal
• GHS 300 GOIL Company Limited fuel vouchers

The Principal, Dr. Seema V. Nair, The Vice Principal, Mr. Satish Dubey, the entire staff and Management of the School, the National Spelling Bee Coach, Mr. Afful, and the DPSI Spelling Bee Coach, Sir Michael, wish N’Adom Darko-Asare, hearty congratulations!

The Spelling Bee Ghana DPSI

After a fierce contest all the way to the 12th round, Aarna Bhaveshkumar Tailor of DPS International Ghana was the second runner-up!

For third position, Aarna takes home:
• A bronze medal
• A trip to Nairobi sponsored by Kenya Airways
• $150 spending money
• A fully installed DStv HD
• Zapper decoder with 3 months compact viewing
• Indomie Ghana products
• GHS 150 GOIL Company Limited fuel vouchers

From DPSI, congratulations to Aarna Bhaveshkumar Tailor.

The Spelling Bee Ghana DPSI

Damien Edem Kwame Zigah of DPS International was specially awarded the Ashesi Innovation Experience Awards for being the Best Performing Speller in Vocabulary in the 2022 Edition of the Ghana National Spelling Bee Competition. Congratulations to Damien Edem Kwame Zigah.

ABOUT THE SPELLING BEE: The Spelling Bee is run by the Young Educators Foundation, a Ghanaian charity whose vision is to improve the lives of our youth through literacy, as well as champion the cause of education.

ABOUT DPSI GHANA: DPSI was commenced in the year 2010 aiming for quality education and excellent learning, providing holistic, modern, comprehensive, technology-driven classes right from Creche to A Level. With the motto “Service Beyond Self”, DPSI strives to excel the needs of children in Ghana and its neighbouring countries.


  • ADDRESS: DPS International Ghana, Community 25, Tema, Ghana
  • CONTACT: (+233) 55 662 0540 / (+233) 54 435 3199 / (+233) 54 434 9579
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