Doing Business in Kenya: Assurance, Tax and Advisory Services by PwC

Anne Eriksson, Country and Regional Senior Partner at PwC, talks about the firm’s main business segments and explains how PwC can help clients do business or invest in Kenya.

Anne Eriksson, Country and Regional Senior Partner at PwC, talks about the firm’s main business segments and explains how PwC can help clients do business or invest in Kenya.

“In Kenya, we provide the full range of services that our global firm provides. We offer assurance, tax and advisory services. If you want to invest or do business in Kenya, and you don’t know where to start, we are the place. Clients can talk to us and we will guide them on how to form a company, how to contract, and how to navigate the immigration and employment area. Our tax and legal team can also advise clients on the different taxes and regulations that you need to be aware of and comply with here in Kenya. But even more so, when you are doing business, that team will also give advice on filings, compliance, tax planning, and any acquisitions the client is interested in. Our consultancy and advisory service is also extremely extensive. We can help clients hire people, reorganize their business, determine what jobs they have, what jobs and structures they should have and advise on how to transform their business using technology and other means. Strategy is a big component of what we do. Should your business face turbulent times and you want to borrow money or are struggling with your lenders, we are there to help with our business recovery services. We are quite varied with a big team based both here and in other parts of Africa. Most people associate assurance with auditing. Auditing is a key part of what we do in assurance, but it is not the only thing we do. We also offer risk assurance services, and provide help with capital market transactions and complex accounting principles and structures that an organization may wish to put into place. We have a team of about 550 people based here in Kenya. We are located at the PwC Tower, which is the home of PwC in Kenya. PwC operates in more than 160 countries globally. We want our clients and those that want to do business with us to know that we will be able to serve them in almost any market in Kenya and Africa, as well. We are an integrated practice in Africa, and we have large operations in the west and south, in addition to Kenya in the east. We look forward to serving anyone that wants to business here”, says Anne Eriksson.

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