“Kenya is a Great Business and Investment Destination” says Moses Changwony

Moses Changwony, Group Managing Director at Sasini, explains why people should consider Kenya as a business and investment destination.

Moses Changwony, Group Managing Director at Sasini, explains why people should consider Kenya as a business and investment destination.

Kenya brings access to the entire COMESA fraternity, which is a huge market. That is an opportunity to attack all those markets from one place. You would be in the right place if you want to sell to Egypt, South Africa, Zambia, Malawi, Ethiopia, or Uganda. Nairobi is a hub, we have an international airport connecting to about two hundred destinations very easily. Kenya has issues around our election time, but when you look at Kenya in the mirror of Africa, our politics have been very stable. Politically, you can trust us. We have not had presidents who want to extend their terms beyond what is stipulated in the Constitution. You can be sure that every two terms, we will have elections and a new president will come in. At least from that side we can be predictable. Immediately after the elections, we get back to work and we reach our goals. We also have a very stable economy. The economy of Kenya defied the slowdown in Europe, China and America. Given what has happened the last three years in these major economies, in Kenya, it did not have any serious effect. We still grow about 5.4 or 5.3 percent every year. It is one of those destinations that you can be proud to put your money into. The last three years, we have also led the region in foreign direct investment. In fact, there is indication that we could easily overtake South Africa in terms of FDIs. Kenya is a very good destination to think about investing in”, says Moses Changwony.

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