Catering Market in Kuwait – Overview by Alghanim Catering

“For now, there is a good amount of potential. Government contracts are the cornerstone of all catering companies that deal in Kuwait and want to generate large amounts of revenue. Government contracts now and what we have seen over the past several decades are quite consistent in terms of catering,” says Badder Al-Ghanim, CEO (Board Member) of Alghanim Catering (Al-Awama Group).

“For now, there is a good amount of potential. Government contracts are the cornerstone of all catering companies that deal in Kuwait and want to generate large amounts of revenue. Government contracts now and what we have seen over the past several decades are quite consistent in terms of catering,” says Badder Al-Ghanim, CEO (Board Member) of Alghanim Catering (Al-Awama Group).

“Most catering contracts are for three years, they get retendered, and you have multiple contracts. If you have a good pricing team and you know what you are doing, you can win a few contracts and sustain your business. In the private industry, the potential is quite good now because there are many projects that the Kuwait government is initiating within KOC and infrastructure, leading to many contractors and staff that need life support. We anticipate the potential for the next five to eight years to be very strong.”

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