Kuwait Healthcare Interviews

List of all articles filed under “kuwait-healthcare-interviews” category.

Healthcare in Kuwait | Assessment by Former Minister of Health

Interview with Dr. Hilal Al-Sayer, President of Bayt Abdullah Children’s Hospice and Former Minister of Health of Kuwait. All Kuwaiti nationals receive free healthcare. Dr. Al-Sayer says there are many opportunities to invest in healthcare system of Kuwait. At the moment the private healthcare is blooming in Kuwait. It is a trend in Kuwait to seek a medical treatment within the private healthcare sector.

Child Care in Kuwait: Palliative Care for Children

Interview with Margaret Al-Sayer, Founding Director of Bayt Abdullah Children’s Hospice. Bayt Abdullah Children’s Hospice in Kuwait is a place where special care is given; pediatric palliative care for children. A child is different from an adult; a child needs the specialist care of trained child doctors. Bayt Abdullah was designed to help those children who need it the most.

Diabetes in Kuwait: Kuwait`s No. 1 Health Problem

Interview with Dr. Kazem Behbehani, Director General of Dasman Diabetes Institute. Kuwait ranks as 3rd country in the world with the most cases of diabetes. Diabetes is a No. 1 health problem in Kuwait – young generation suffers from this condition as well as the elderly. According to Dr. Behbehani, prevention and education are very important in fighting off this serious health problem.

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