Abdulwahab Al-Bader (Kuwait Fund): “Our Projects Make a Difference”

“It is amazing when you go to an area and you build a dam, even if it is a small dam, the area will change because some dams according to the design will not only provide water for irrigation and drinking water but will provide electricity to the country,” says Abdulwahab Al-Bader, Director General of Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development.

“It is amazing when you go to an area and you build a dam, even if it is a small dam, the area will change because some dams according to the design will not only provide water for irrigation and drinking water but will provide electricity to the country,” says Abdulwahab Al-Bader, Director General of Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development.

“Often you go to areas where you find that your financing is doing a project that helps water activities. Sometimes you think a project is for a simple road but that road will open new areas for trade and business for a lot of families, especially for example in landlocked countries where they need to move their produce. It is very hard for me to pick one or two, I do have some favourites but they are favourites because I saw them before and after but there are so many projects that we have financed and I have not seen them all. There are so many projects that have made a really big difference. I think each country has a different priority and different demands but the tendency lately is for water related projects, they always give a good and personal result because there are a lot of projects where you don’t feel the effect as much as with water, as it is not immediately felt by the population. Sometimes there are services that you take for granted but they have come from somewhere like electricity or something like that. Some projects you can really see the difference that they make to the population, especially when you see them before and after.”

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