Shaimaa Al Najdi: Wataniya Has Something for Everyone

Interview with Shaimaa Al Najdi, Senior Director of TPMO and Network Implementation Department at Wataniya Telecom. Wataniya has something for everyone, says Shaimaa Al Najdi. Smartphones for the young Kuwaitis, business tools for entrepreneurs and great value for the low-income clients. Wataniya Kuwait is also different because of the attention the telecom pays to details.

Shaimaa Al Najdi, Senior Director of TPMO and Network Implementation Department at Wataniya Telecom

Share with us your background. As a Wataniya employee, what do you personally enjoy about your job? What motivates you to strive towards excellence?

I completed my graduation in Civil Engineering at Kuwait University and joined Wataniya Telecom in 1999. Hence, I’ve been part of the Wataniya since the very beginning. I joined the Project Management department and over the years I developed the Technology Project Management Office (TPMO) and today I’m the Senior Director of TPMO and the Network Implementation Department.

Technology is one of the most challenging and dynamic fields today. Wataniya Telecom - Connecting KuwaitThere are new products and exciting changes taking place all the time. My role puts me in the midst of all this and it’s very exciting and interesting for me. Another important factor is that Wataniya offers a very cosmopolitan work environment. There are people from different parts of the world and diverse background. I love learning and interacting with so many different types of people and after all these years many have become close friends.

How did you succeed in making Wataniya one of the most respectable brands in Kuwait? What do you feel is your personal contribution to Wataniya’s growth and progress?

Good network quality and reliable coverage are the essentials that help a telecom gain respect. Wataniya today is one of the most respectable companies in Kuwait because we are constantly improving our network coverage and capacity.

Being focused, organized, target oriented and constantly trying to improve myself are the key qualities that adds value to my life and contributes towards Wataniya’s growth and success.

Latest smartphones for the youth, business tools for entrepreneurs and value for the low income workers. Wataniya is full of choices that make customers respect the brand…

How can a brand be exciting and respectable at the same time? Where is the right balance between the two?

We have achieved this by delivering on our promise of introducing innovative products and services. Furthermore, by segmenting our products we are giving each section of society what they want and expect out of their communication provider.

Latest smartphones for the youth, business tools for entrepreneurs and value for the low income workers. Wataniya is full of choices that make customers respect the brand and our teams are constantly looking to add excitement in our customers’ lives by introducing experiences that they won’t find with other telecoms such as music concerts, youth events and bonus promotions.

What makes Wataniya Telecom outshine other telecom brands?

Today, we have been honored with several awards in Kuwait. It is because our services and products are simple, honest and user-friendly. We have upgraded our systems recently to make our customers’ experiences more efficient and hassle-free. Through our new system we have given our customers complete control. Wataniya Sport Events for ChildrenThey can now easily switch between products, upgrade services, make bill payments instantly from the comfort of their couch.

Yes, the big things are important but what makes Wataniya different is our attention to detail and by ironing out the small creases, our customers enjoy a more enhanced interaction with Wataniya.

What does Wataniya brand mean for Kuwaitis? Why is Wataniya appealing to Kuwaitis?

Wataniya is favorite amongst the local population, especially the Kuwaiti youth segment relates to the brand a lot. We have done extensive research to understand the local market, the expectations of our Kuwaiti customers and their aspirations. We use this information in creating products that appeal to our local subscribers.

Kuwaitis want products and services that are designed to suit their diverse and dynamic culture. They want services that are reliable and simultaneously offer value. I’m proud to say that at Wataniya we have all this and more – that is the reason why we appeal to the market and why we are grounded in this Kuwaiti market.

Wataniya is known for its fun and relaxed work environment. How do you approach the work environment and training of employees?

I’m very close to my team. We plan outdoor and team building activities, two or three times in a year. Wataniya Corporate Events for Employees and FamiliesI believe in not pure delegation of tasks; it’s important to delegate responsibility as well – only then can we build a strong and efficient team of future leaders and managers.

We have an informal and friendly work environment not only in my department but across the organization. Everyone is accountable for their tasks and takes full responsibility for their completion.

How would you define your strategy in terms of business clientele?

We have and will continue to create smart products that enhance user experience. By segmenting our market and focusing on improving customer experience we will reach out to potential customers and simultaneously build loyalty and trust amongst our existing users.

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