Quality IT Services in Kenya: Wilson Morema Gives an Overview of Wymore IT Solutions

Wilson Morema discusses the impacts of COVID on the ICT industry in Kenya and presents Wymore IT Solutions. Wymore is a web design, software and hardware company. The firm is regarded to be among the best in delivering quality IT services in Kenya. Part of its services include web design, systems and mobile apps development, domains and hosting, social media management, etc.

Interview with Wilson Morema, CEO and Software Developer at Wymore IT Solutions

Wilson Morema, CEO and Software Developer at Wymore IT Solutions

We are in a particular situation with this COVID problem that the world is escaping. Everybody has to be digital now. There is no excuse. There is no other way to survive. If you are not digital, you die. If you are digital, you do not. So, there is an excellent opportunity for IT companies like yours to be present in the market and to grow stronger. What is your perspective on this? What is your feeling in terms of the market at the moment?

Locally and globally, the COVID pandemic has affected many businesses and governments. Mostly, these businesses had not adopted technology in their operation or are not in the ICT industry. When COVID first hit the country, people were so tense, the government legislation and curfews sent businesses panicking and eventually shutting down. With business shut, the whole city was not functioning as we usually did. For ICT, it was different compared to the industries. People and businesses started realizing the power of adopting technology and the need to be online. It is sad to note that currently, many businesses in Kenya are not digital. Most of their operations are not online. At the beginning of the pandemic, the anticipation that it will not last long played a role in cautioning businesses. However, in the reality of the situation, people are coming to terms and realizing the need to adapt to the situation. People realize that they have to deal with the pandemic. The market has yet to get back to normal, and even though many businesses are shut down during these festivities, businesses are yet to recover. However, the impact that the pandemic has had on people has prompted alternative thinking where the need to get online is increasing. For the IT industry, these challenges have allowed us to collaborate with small and medium enterprises to transform their businesses from the brick and mortar state that they are in and bring them on board to the digital world. However, this is slowly gaining traction, and the future of digitizing business in Kenya is prosperous with opportunities. 

What are your key competitive advantages? What makes you different from other companies?

At its roots, Wymore IT Solutions Ltd is a web designing, software, and hardware company. Our company is regarded to be among the best in delivering quality collective IT services in Kenya. Our services include web designing, development of stand-alone systems and mobile applications, domains and website hosting services, social media management, and computer hardware and networking services.
Our differentiation lies in that we are built based on graphic design. In the industry, most of our competitors do not realize how critical graphic design is when offering software and website development services. From our portfolio, we intertwine the code and attractive, lightweight graphics, which result in a product that is attractive to the user and loads fast! We use all the elements of Adobe, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop to make sure that we provide the consumer with an ultimate experience when surfing our products pages. Our development team comprises well-seasoned graphic designers, which helps us surprise our clients with the end products. Engaging us automatically means that the client is entitled to a simulation, which our developers create through Adobe XD to give them a clear picture of how the final product will look like. That is something many of the companies here in Kenya and abroad do not provide the client with.  

Another competitive advantage is that we are a fully-fledged IT company with both Software and Hardware departments, all in one locale. With this in mind, we are committed to providing auxiliary services interdepartmental to help the client solve their problem in full. This means that we can provide both technical support and offer our expert consultation on the best technology to use in your business. When we take on our client, we strive to make sure that we provide the best comprehensive technology solution where our client will be fully sorted on their problem and give them insight into what is ideal for their business.

What kind of companies are you serving? Who are your clients?

Our service chatter is crafted to serve a broad spectrum of consumers. Over this year in our practice, we have served diverse businesses in different industries.  One of the areas that we have mastered is that of the finance and statistics industry. Wymore IT solutions have developed a fully functional system for our clients in this industry, through simplification of the view, with an underlying code that is futuristic in the industry. We have also offered maintenance and upgrading services to businesses in the finance industry, improving their application quality and enhancing the overall consumer experience. We have also been actively involved in hosting and procuring domains for businesses in various industries. Another area that we have flourished is in the development of e-commerce systems and websites. This is also an area that we look forward to increasing our development and innovation since, with the current and near-future trends, many businesses will need to move their services online. We do the necessary integrations for all our clients that will help the business offer accessible services to the consumers. We take them through the journey of transitioning to a better system and the advantages they will leap. Wymore IT Solutions has also served clients in the hospitality industry by developing responsive systems that help bring businesses online.

When it comes to social media management, we have engaged clients in the shipping and clearing sector, a part of the transport industry.  With these businesses, our social management endeavors focus on creating their website, create their social media pages, develop their marketing content strategies for their social platforms, and also manage their website. In 11 months, Wymore IT Solutions has been able to acquire over 50 clients. We are further looking to engage clients in the transport industry and the Kenyan government in the coming year.

Are you recruiting for staff at the moment?

The need to procure expertise is variant on the quantity of the workload that the business has. In the meantime, we try to work smart with the clients we have and ensure that our experts are not overworked. When we take on a project, the first thing that we do is collectively determine the workload by slicing down the significant tasks. This way, we can define the timeline that the tasks should be completed and identify the individual expert who is going to work on which part. This has been pivotal in planning our projects. We understand the urgency in the need to deliver on time and compromise with the client to ensure quality work delivery. More so, we are not the company that takes on loads of clients without managing them adequately.  Our promise for quality of work allows us to settle down on a reasonable timeline for clients that we have onboard. More so, we are transparent in the process that we take in developing the products that we have; thus, we take the client through the process and indicate the geniuses who are going to work on their project. This also allows us to consult with our employees, who help bring the client’s dream to fruition. In the current state, we are not recruiting, but we are hoping that by the end of January or the beginning of February, there will be an opportunity in the market to recruit.

Are you looking for investors to contribute to capital?

We are aggressively looking for investors and partners in the software department. We also have a challenge of supplies in our other department of computer hardware supplies. Towards the end of this year, Wymore IT Solutions was a victim of a fraudulent case where one of our hardware suppliers from Dubai disappeared with our merchandise, seriously affecting our financial ledger. Thus, the intention that we have is to get an investor who will help us gain connections and actively fund our technological innovations. This way, the business will bring to the market the incumbent technology that will revolutionize the way that small and medium businesses in Kenya vie and approach the online world. More so, the investment will be geared towards establishing marketing endeavors and helping the consumers understand the internet’s power in doing business. We are thinking huge. We want to roll out big projects next year, both in industrial transport and even in industrial security. Our PR is going to build a good interest in the country or to the government.

What are some of your current projects?

In the current year and the coming year, Wymore IT Solutions has and will focus on both transport and security applications that will digitalize these two sectors. One of the critical factors that the company focuses on eradicating is traffic accidents caused by various factors. This issue has not been addressed technologically. However, with the current technology, Wymore IT Solutions is looking forward to establishing a technology that will help address the cases. We are strategizing on how it is going to be of monetary value to us.
Furthermore, in security development, there are lots of things going on in the city. With time, the city is becoming overcrowded, and this has increased the number of street dwellers. In retrospect, this has increased the rates of muggings and crime, owing to the low number of employment opportunities. Wymore IT Solution is hence developing a technology-based solution that will address the increased crime rates in towns.

Project yourself to the medium term, three to five years’ time. What is your ambition, and what do you want to achieve?

Our ambition is to outdo all the IT companies in Nairobi and Kenya within the next three years to help the business grow digitally and enhance the community where our business is set up. The company aspires to grow in size by addressing the technological challenges that many businesses face and bringing affordable technology to the people. We understand that every sector has challenges. With our goals being to help society find solutions to the current technological challenges, we aim to engage the Kenyan government in this. Our goal in the near future is to develop solutions through developing applications that improve our country’s economy.

What was the initiative, the story behind you creating this company?

The idea of Wymore IT Solution was born out of the need to provide technological services to people who could not access them. When I look back, my first year pursuing a bachelor’s degree in computer science, I just realized that 90% of my village were not acquainted with the technology. So, I had to get into that. With time, I approached schools and institutions in my locality to help solve their hardware problems and IT problems then schools started calling me to teach computer to their students. Even though they did not pay me, it is something that I enjoyed doing. Being the person who solved challenges that schools and institutions had regarding technology. This constant interaction gave birth to the need to develop schools’ systems that would help automate some of the tasks that the teachers found tedious such as grading and preparing report cards. That is Wymore brand was born as a savior to the schools through automating their tasks. I interacted with different schools’ officials in my community, trying to sell them the solutions and seeking more information to better and grow the brand. Secondly, I was able to develop an affordable rate for the services that I was offering compared to other companies then. Coming into the city opened other avenues as it was with collaboration with other creative individuals.
I started engaging in selling technology computed to the schools to help them keep up with the technology and offer services that were efficient and reliable. This gave birth to the hardware department of Wymore IT Solutions. From thence, we have incorporated other forms of services where we craft solutions that are helping our clients reach out and engage thousands. In the coming year, we are also looking into re-inventing our education-related technology to encourage children further to understand technology. We are planning to further re-inventing how the Kenyan educational system relates to the use of e-learning. With the current disorientation of the sector, it seems like an excellent fit to venture into. With our expertise in developing stand-alone school systems, I believe that Wymore IT Solutions will be able to venture into e-learning and, with the expertise learned in developing business applications, integrate and innovate around the idea.


WEBSITE: www.wymore.co.ke

ADDRESS: Philadelphia House, Tom Mboya Street, Nairobi 4th Floor, Office, Nairobi, Kenya

CONTACT: (+254) 100 880 997 / (+254) 716 297 960

EMAILS: info@wymore.co.ke / business@wymore.co.ke

Quality IT Services in Kenya: Wilson Morema Gives an Overview of Wymore IT Solutions

Wymore IT Solutions: A Fully-Fledged Kenyan Web Design, Software and Hardware Company


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