Kenya Energy Sector: Sollatek Electronics Incentives Solar Entrepreneurs

Sollatek Electronics latest project “Sollatek Direct: Solar Entrepreneurs in Kenya” has been selected by Energy and Environment Partnership (EEP) to received EUR 250.000 from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland, the Austrian Development Agency and the UK Department for International Development.

Sollatek Direct: Solar Entrepreneurs in Kenya

Sollatek Electronics latest project “Sollatek Direct: Solar Entrepreneurs in Kenya” has been selected by Energy and Environment Partnership (EEP) to received EUR 250.000 from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland, the Austrian Development Agency and the UK Department for International Development. The total project cost is over EUR 650.000, of which EEP has funded 40%, while Sollatek funds the remaining 60%. This project’s objective is the successful training and supporting of a nationwide network of 60 solar entrepreneurs selling Sollatek’s wide range of affordable and quality solar lanterns and solar home systems. This project will increase energy security, health and economic opportunities for rural off-grid populations in Kenya.

The project intends to sell numerous solar products and open up new markets in areas unfamiliar with solar technology. Sollatek expects to directly impact 99,276 households and 496,380 individual’s lives currently depending on kerosene or traditional lighting methods. The results will be healthier, safer and economically empowered rural or under-served populations.

To ensure the success of this project, involving, encouraging and supporting female entrepreneurs is vital. Up to date the project has hired 20 female entrepreneurs out of 36 currently going through training. The women are collectively responsible for an average of KES 1.7 million in sales monthly and consistently rank in the top five performers.

Below is the interview with Margaret Atieno, one of the top performing female entrepreneurs from Nyanza region. She covers half of Kisumu County, attending to 20 local outlets, market days, and working with community groups, NGOs and Saccos. After two months of being involved in the project, Margaret has sold over 400 solar lanterns.

Interview with Margaret Atieno, Solar Entrepreneur, Kisumu County

How do you like working with the Sollatek EEP project?

The project is really good. It caters to the needs of the less fortunate people living in rural areas. The project also allows us to expand our experiences, as well as gain various skills such as communication, sales and marketing.

What are the challenges you have faced in the field?

Well so far, as the project is still quite new, there are not many challenges. However, we do face challenges in terms of transport, as there is an infrastructure problem within the rural areas of Nyanza. Getting to and from groups or markets can be difficult.

Magaret Atieno giving a solar demonstration
Magaret Atieno giving a solar demonstration

Have you had any funny/interesting experiences on the field?

Well, we have the usual jokes about power shortages in Kenya by our customers, which is why they are happy with our solar products as they now have one less problem!

How do you feel about being a woman in this industry?

I feel privileged to be a woman in this industry. I am able to interact with both men and women, and this creates a positive competition between us women and the men, as we can now prove to them we are just as capable of performing the same skills. I also feel empowered working in this industry; women are able to now take up so many important roles such as being an employee, wife and mother, and still do a great job at all of them!

Do you have any other comments about the project and your experience in general?

I would say that I am glad I took on this experience, because it not only helps me grow as a person, but also helps my fellow Kenyan people. I also want Sollatek and the EEP project to provide us with more opportunities for training, learning and growing.

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