Sollatek helps the World Food Programme reduce greenhouse emissions in Isiolo
The WFP (World Food Programme) is a voluntarily funded part of the United Nations system. The WFP aims to ensure that every human being in the world has access to food at all times for an active and healthy life.
Isiolo-Kenya: 25 July, 2016 – The WFP (World Food Programme) is a voluntarily funded part of the United Nations system. The WFP aims to ensure that every human being in the world has access to food at all times for an active and healthy life.
PROJECT: WFP; Isiolo Project |
In order to do this, the WFP are always searching for sustainable methods to carry out all their work; including within their offices, one of them being their Isiolo office. Isiolo is a town in the former Eastern Province, Kenya, and is situated in the upper Eastern Sub-region.
The WFP (global) embarked on a Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction strategy which aims to reduce emissions by 18% by 2017. In June 2015, the WFP initiated a country specific project towards meeting the global strategy objectives; identifying their Isiolo office as a pilot project for the greening project in Kenya.
Sollatek saw this as an opportunity to share their ability to reduce emissions. In October 2015, Sollatek installed a solar system for the WFP in Isiolo.
The installation of the solar system has been used to power the critical load; consisting of all IT and Telecommunications equipment within the office including some security lighting.

The way the system works has an interesting approach. It is an off grid system, connected to both the mains power as the second option, and the generator as the third option.
The inverter connected is programmable to recall the mains supply or the automatic generator when the voltages reach 44 dc. The mains or the generator takes on as a power back up and charges the batteries until the charging reaches the absorption stage.
At this stage the inverter will take only 30 minutes, and depending on your selected timer programme, the mains supply will then be disconnected.
“As Sollatek we are proud to be associated with WFP and we look forward to do more projects with other international organizations. Our team of highly qualified Engineers guarantees professional system sizing and reliable after-sales backup.”
Elizabeth Musyoka Coast Region Sales Manager
The system has overall been a success to the WFP, as they can now meet their green gas emission goals by 2017. This project has additionally reduced their electricity cost as the mains power is used as back up. Furthermore, the system has reduced fuel costs from the generator; as this is the third option of their power back up.

The WFP had initially intended to run only critical loads i.e computers, laptops, lighting and fridges.
With Sollatek’s expertise in the fields, while working closely with the WFP field engineer, they are now able to ensure that the whole of Isiolo office will now be run by solar power.
Elizabeth K. Musyoka
Regional Sales Manager
Tel; +254 (0) 734370045
Sollatek Electronics Kenya
Mombasa-Malindi Road
Tel; +254 (0) 203501671/2