Centum Capital: Real Estate and Healthcare Investments in Kenya

Fred Murimi, Director of Centum Capital talks about real-estate and healthcare investment opportunities in Kenya.

Fred Murimi, Director of Centum Capital talks about real-estate and healthcare investment opportunities in Kenya.

How interested are you in joint ventures or bringing partners into the company?

Everything we develop is for other investors. We are always looking to bring in other investors into the different projects we have created. In real estate, we have an urban master plan development on 102 acres. One of the components of that development will be a five star hotel and we are looking for operator investors in that opportunity. On that same development we constructed the largest retail mall in sub-Saharan Africa excluding the malls in South Africa. That has brought in a host of international as well as local retailers. One of those is the French supermarket Carrefour.

We are looking to go into healthcare. There are many healthcare operators globally who are looking to expand into this region but they don’t have an asset they can work with or acquire. That is something we are developing. In agriculture, we have recently started planting herbs for export and again we have a partner who is providing us access to the European markets. Everything that we do is to attract other investors into the opportunities we have created.

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