Food Delivery in Kuwait: Discover New Food Brands Sushu Sushi, Poké Pick and Lucky Lantern

Ramzy Abou-Ezzeddine, CEO of Sushu Sushi, a Japanese food brand in Kuwait, talks about the products and services offered by the company in terms of food delivery and gives an overview of Poké Pick and Lucky Lantern, their new food brands.

Ramzy Abou-Ezzeddine, CEO of Sushu Sushi, a Japanese food brand in Kuwait, talks about the products and services offered by the company in terms of food delivery and gives an overview of Poké Pick and Lucky Lantern, their new food brands.

“We bought into a very young kitchen that delivers sushi called Sushu Sushi and it was still in its infancy. It was launched during Corona and it was never really promoted or advertised. Whoever used to buy from Sushu was our immediate circle of friends and family and it was quite important to keep it that way. We still had to adjust things and test our own operation, test everything on a smaller scale. Once we were ready, we started pushing that further and further. As of June 1, 2021, we became part of that operation and we started making sure that all the little details are ready in terms of packaging, in terms of the team in the kitchen, in terms of logistics, with Talabat and Deliveroo, etc. We wanted to make sure that everything was right. Then, we had three months of experience of the launch menu. We knew what the popular items were and what the less popular items were. I am a person who really believes in data so I scrutinize all the data that we have: who is ordering and why, how many times they order, the size of the order. We did the number crunching and then we created a new menu of around 20 items. We are lucky enough to have a very precious asset in the kitchen which is our head chef who is simply outstanding and the stuff he creates is really out of this world. We taste tested and we rated everything. Then, we relaunched everything in mid-July 2021. This is when we started doing promotion on social media, specifically on Instagram, because we use mostly Instagram for food advertising. Now, it is really starting to pick up. We saw a 300% increase between June and July, and in mid-August, we are already doing much better than July. July and August in Kuwait for the food business are a dead period usually because half the country is outside the country. So, we know that we are heading in the right direction and we have just added the second kitchen. Once that goes live, our perimeter of delivery increases. Because we know that we have good food and we know the operation delivers properly, we are confident that our client base will increase. Gradually, we will add more and more kitchens and deliver to wider areas of Kuwait. Now, in parallel, we have signed a deal with a US based company that creates ghost brands or virtual brands, whereby they create menus, and then they look at the market for companies like us and after they do the due diligence, they test them and they scrutinize them to make sure that you are able to handle the menu. We launched two brands. The first we launched a month ago called Poké Pick for poké bowls which are becoming the latest craze in Kuwait. The first month of operation it was only available on Deliveroo and it did surprisingly well. Now, we are onboarding it on Talabat and the outlook for that is quite encouraging. By adding more kitchens, a wider scope of clientele will be able to order from that menu. We will be launching in a couple of weeks the third brand, which is the Chinese food called Lucky Lantern. Again, it is the question of how many locations, how many kitchens you have, that will dictate how many people can see us and can try us and can order from us. The beauty of all of this is the synergies because adding Poké Pick and adding Lucky Lantern to Sushu did not require us to add a single person in the staff in the kitchen. It is all efficiencies that will enable us, because of this business model, because of the virtual kitchens, because of the virtual brands, to appear as if we are three different restaurants or three different companies catering three very different menus, but from the same location with the same staff preparing things. So, that synergy that we are creating and that we are banking on is something that will help to really take us to the next level in terms of the size of our operation, how fast we can break-even and start growing properly, geographically, horizontally, and vertically”, says Ramzy Abou-Ezzeddine.


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