Chigwell Holdings’ Golf Day Event : A Tremendous Success 5 Years in a Row

On 10th September 2016, Chigwell Holdings successfully hosted its annual golf day at Sigona Golf Club. This was an important event as it marked the 5th anniversary that the company has been sponsoring the tournament.

Chigwell Golf Day

On 10th September 2016, Chigwell Holdings hosted its annual golf day at Sigona Golf Club. This was an important event as it marked the 5th anniversary that the company has been sponsoring the tournament. Pressure was on to ensure a successful fete. But as expected, Chigwell was up to the task. This time round, things were done a little bit different from other past years. To show that the company cares for the well-being of the participants, their sister company, Apples + Sense, were on board to offer free medical checkup (blood pressure check and weight/height = BMI), pre and post game. This initiative was well received and appreciated by participants who applauded both companies for showing that they care, and for being different.

As expected, the tournament was filled with lots of fun, participants mingled freely and the objective of exchanging ideas and building friendships was well achieved. The number of participants attracted at the Chigwell sponsored tournament has never been witnessed before at Sigona Golf Club with the golf course being filled to capacity.

The prize awarding ceremony in the evening was one to remember. Chigwell gave electrical home appliances to various winners in different categories. On top of the winner prize from Chigwell, the overall winner received a medical voucher worth approximately $500 from Apples + Sense.

At Chigwell – WE CARE…

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