AUK Strategy for 2017: Expanding Facilities and Increasing Collegiality

“Although I have been familiar with the institution for almost seven years, I did just arrive, so I am focusing on listening to ideas that people have and responding to suggestions that people are making,” says Dr. Earl (Tim) Sullivan, President of the American University of Kuwait (AUK)

“Although I have been familiar with the institution for almost seven years, I did just arrive, so I am focusing on listening to ideas that people have and responding to suggestions that people are making,” says Dr. Earl (Tim) Sullivan, President of the American University of Kuwait (AUK).

“In general, my own values are very focused on getting people to work more as members of a team and teams of teams, and collegiality of getting people to work together formally and informally better than in the past. My goal is to improve the quality of the learning environment. At any university, it is a mistake to rest on your laurels and to say, “That is enough. We are great. We do not need to do anything more.” We are doing fine, but we need to do better and we need to do more. We are now expanding our facilities and improving them so we will have more space to do more things. We are opening a student center here in Salmiya very soon. As soon as that is finished, the dust will barely settle and we will start work on another new building. This place will be a construction zone as well as a university for quite some time. That is without changing the size of the student body. It is to improve quality not quantity.”

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