Agriculture is one of the best investment opportunities in Kenya

Fred Murimi, Director of Centum Capital talks about the best investment opportunity in Kenya. Agriculture and healthcare is currently some of the most promising investment opportunities in the country.

Fred Murimi, Director of Centum Capital talks about the best investment opportunity in Kenya. Agriculture and healthcare is currently some of the most promising investment opportunities in the country.

What are the current trends? Is there a sector that dominates?

We have been investing in real estate, financial services, fast moving consumer goods and power for a number of years now. Those are sectors that we understand fairly well and we have seen a lot of growth there. In terms of dominance, I think real estate, financial services and FMCG have been our largest sectors. We now see opportunities to really set up and create investments of quality in the health care space and the education space, as well as agriculture. That is where we have recently begun putting together various bankable investment opportunities for other investors. Overall, I believe that across all 7 sectors that we are invested in, I don’t necessarily see one being more dominant than another. In the long run, I don’t think that Centum will be exposed to any one sector by more than 20%.

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