Virtual Pay: The Payment Service Provider Offering Various Channels of Payments in Ecommerce

CEO David Morema presents payment service provider Virtual Pay, an all-in-one platform for collection of client payments with offices in Kenya, Dubai, Tanzania, Rwanda, Zambia, South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, and Uganda.

CEO David Morema presents payment service provider Virtual Pay, an all-in-one platform for collection of client payments with offices in Kenya, Dubai, Tanzania, Rwanda, Zambia, South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, and Uganda.

“Virtual Pay is a payment service provider. We offer various channels of payments in ecommerce, mostly cards and mobile money application. We do a bit of alternative payments as well. Virtual Pay is a young company. We started about four years ago. Our first country of launch was in Kenya but we have gone on to expand into various markets in Africa and also in Dubai, where we possibly intend to move our headquarters to from Mauritius. We are regulated in a few countries in our operation, which enables us to access the local payment methods that are available in those countries. Our clientele is a mixed bag of global clients from all over the world. We have a number of offices as well. Our largest office is Kenya, our youngest office to be set up is Dubai, and then we have offices across a few other countries such as Tanzania, Rwanda, Zambia, South Africa, Nigeria, and Ghana, and also quite a presence in Uganda“, says David Morema.

“The payments industry is huge, multifaceted, and with many players operating in specific niches and others operating right across the board. We came into payments with a very niche focus on who our clientele were going to be. We service mostly global, regulated financial services firms. This is our primary market, plus a few other select industries. These are industries which are a little bit more challenging to service. They require you as a payment processor to really understand that industry and the regulation in that industry to be able to operate effectively, to service your clients, and stay compliant with the various meshwork of regulation across jurisdictions and across borders. We believe that our superior understanding of these specific niche markets that our clients operate in has helped us to be able to navigate the regulatory environments while giving optimal service. We intend to continue playing in these specific niches rather than spreading our wings wider to cover industries we do not understand”, he adds.


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