Quality Food Products Manufacturer in Kenya: Joseph Choge Presents Premier Food Industries

Joseph Choge, CEO of Premier Food Industries Limited, explains what makes the company stand out in the market.

Joseph Choge, CEO of Premier Food Industries Limited, explains what makes the company stand out in the market.

“Our biggest point is that we have distinguished ourselves as a house of quality food products. I want each and every consumer to look at the ingredients on the packaging to see what is being offered by every company. That way, they are able to select products that will not harm their health. In this day and age, people are talking about cancer, etc., so you need to be careful about what you consume. Quality is at the heart of what we do and we want to give the customer the very best. For example, our squash is the only one that actually contains fruit. It is a bit expensive to put it on the shelves, but a knowledgeable consumer and a consumer who knows what they want would definitely know which one to buy. Another thing for us is the fact that we try as much as possible to get our fruits from Kenyan local farmers. Today, if you look at the Orchid Valley Juice for example, we get our mangoes from Hola in the coastal region and the eastern part of the country. It always gives me satisfaction to see that when you buy that truckload of mangoes it actually benefits a local farmer. We are the biggest tomato consumer in the country because we are the leading sauce company in Kenya. We can easily go out and buy huge tracts of land and grow tomatoes, but there is a mantra that we have. If a small-scale farmer can do it, why go and mess with his bread and butter? We try to promote them as much as possible. The only thing we can do better now is to figure out how to help them to reduce the impact of the middleman. Most of the time, we find that the profit is swallowed up by the middlemen bringing the produce to the factories. We want to go to the farms and partner with them to start aggregation centers where they bring the produce and we select the ones with the right quality for our production. We try to partner for mangoes, tomatoes, Mexican beans, and other key inputs we use in our production. Personally, I am a product of a peasant farmer. My parents used to have a very small garden where they would grow whatever staple food to feed ourselves and a bit extra to take to the market. Every tomato we buy from that small farmer equals school fees for a child in that village”, says Joseph Choge.


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