KAMCO Invest: A Leading Investment Products and Services Provider in Kuwait and the Region

Faisal Mansour Sarkhou, CEO of KAMCO Invest, explains what makes the company different from the competition. KAMCO Invest is a leading non-bank financial services and products provider headquartered in Kuwait.

Faisal Mansour Sarkhou, CEO of KAMCO Invest, explains what makes the company different from the competition. KAMCO Invest is a leading non-bank financial services and products provider headquartered in Kuwait with offices in key regional financial markets, offering a comprehensive range of investment products and services covering asset management, investment banking and brokerage.

“What we focus on is being the preferred non-bank financial services and products provider in the region. We do not claim to be a traditional bank, but we want to be the financial entity that you resort to for your investment and saving and future needs. Our business model is primarily focused on managing our clients well. We are proud to have been ranked #5 and we manage depending on the valuations and the dates in excess of between $12 to $13 billion. That is a sizable amount of client assets under management and different sectors. We are proud to manage sovereign wealth fund type money that we are doing a good job on. We have a lot of institutional investor money that we are managing and high net worth individuals. We are not a retail driven company. We are focused on the high net worth individuals and institutional type client base. We cover a lot of their needs in the region. So, for us, whether it is equities, fixed income, we really provide a very good basket of products and asset management space to our clients. That is one of our core activities that distinguishes us: our variety of products. And our presence is not just in one country. We have what we call our core markets: Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE, and we are really focused on having these core markets provide the same level of service, the same level of products as we go into those businesses and make our clients feel that we are truly the regional leader that we want to grow more into. On the investment banking side, which is another strong pillar, we are one of the strongest companies in Kuwait and the region we focus on. And in our investment banking practice we focus on three main areas: the equity capital markets, or ECM, the debt capital markets, or DCM, and the advisory side aspects, or the M&A. We have a significant track record, and we try to help our clients whether they are in Kuwait, Saudi, UAE, Egypt, Turkey, Qatar, wherever we are able to help our clients buy, sell, raise money. That is a service that we provide, and not many players are able to provide that. For us, what distinguishes us is that we have a very transparent approach to our business. We aim at growing our clients’ money and basically being that preferred investment advisor and investment banker in the region. Our vision is not complicated. Our vision is quite simple. We believe that the region has a lot of growth potential. That growth potential is what we aim to grow”, says Faisal Mansour Sarkhou.


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