Harit Sheth Advocates: Corporate Law, Property and Tenant Law

Harit Sheth gives an overview of Harit Sheth Advocates, a Kenyan boutique law firm specialized in corporate law, property, tenant law, etc.

Harit Sheth gives an overview of Harit Sheth Advocates, a Kenyan boutique law firm specialized in corporate law, property, tenant law, etc.

“My firm was set up in 1986. The firm is very boutique. We are not very large but we specialize in certain areas, and our aim is to provide personalized service for our individual clients. My specialty is corporate structuring. We have worked quite a lot in litigation. We have practiced in different countries as well, with cases in the US, UK, Switzerland, Netherlands, India, Uganda, Tanzania and many other countries. Practicing out of the jurisdiction is not a problem because I engage local lawyers. My specialty is corporate work and conveyancing. We do a lot of global interest business, but we are specialized. We don’t do anything and everything. We don’t do regular cases. We don’t do criminal work. But when an expertise is required by the client, then we will outsource. We will find the right firm to deal with it”, says Harit Sheth.

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