Dan Awendo Hopes to Deliver a Million Houses in Africa in the Next 10 Years

Dan Awendo, Managing Director of Home Afrika, shares his vision for the future of the company in the next 2/3 years and beyond, saying his goal is to deliver a million houses in Africa in the long-term.

Dan Awendo, Managing Director of Home Afrika, shares his vision for the future of the company in the next 2/3 years and beyond, saying his goal is to deliver a million houses in Africa in the long-term.

“We would like to deliver a million houses in Africa in the next ten years. That is an ambitious goal, but I think it is feasible if we focus on the low-income market. Therefore, within the next two to three years, our key efforts will be directed to completing our projects, as opposed to taking on new projects. Fundraising will be crucial in this next year in order to complete our projects, that would mean from 5.000 to 10.000 new houses. Then, going to the low-income market, we expect to deliver much more housing in a shorter period of time”, says Dan Awendo.

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