Chigwell Holdings: Nirish Shah Presents Phenom Estate and Phenom Park

Nirish Shah, Executive Director of Chigwell Holdings, presents two of the company’s key real estate projects in Kenya: Phenom Estate and Phenom Park.

Nirish Shah, Executive Director of Chigwell Holdings, presents two of the company’s key real estate projects in Kenya: Phenom Estate and Phenom Park.

“Our first project was Phenom Estate, of which we have completed four phases. We have placed over 350 homes on the market, which were all sold and are currently occupied. Around 2009, we began our second project, which was in Athi River, to accommodate lower middle class families, targeting a price of between KES 5 to 7 million at the time. We initially built 127 units, but we found that uptake was very slow. We are coming to the understanding that this sector doesn’t work for us, so we are more focused on upper middle class contemporary homes. The third project we began was Phenom Park, which comprises beautiful contemporary homes. The first phase is ready and we are currently handing over 72 units. Our second phase of 60 units is under construction and we are half-way through, with a further 40 units planned over the next three months. These are two key projects”, says Nirish Shah.

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