Chemoquip Limited: Laboratory-Based Hospital Supplies in Kenya and East Africa

Feroz Nawab, CEO of Chemoquip Limited, gives an overview of the company. Chemoquip is specialized in supplying laboratory items to a number of different institutes and organisations, including: private labs, government labs, pharmaceuticals, as well as food and dairy industries, amongst many more.

Feroz Nawab, CEO of Chemoquip Limited, gives an overview of the company. Chemoquip is specialized in supplying laboratory items to a number of different institutes and organisations, including: private labs, government labs, pharmaceuticals, as well as food and dairy industries, amongst many more.

“We do laboratory-based hospital supplies. Chemoquip started 25 years ago in the hospital sector. A few years ago, we expanded into the food, dairy, and pharmaceuticals industries. Anywhere there is a lab (human, food, or any industry) we are in that space. We have a marketing team that markets our products to the end user. In every part of Kenya, we have a distributor who also markets our products to the user. We offer special pricing and bonuses to the distributors. So, the user does not have to come to Chemoquip. The hospital in a certain town may have a very good relationship with our distributor in terms of payment terms and we offer special prices so they all find it easier. Our products are well marketed to the user so the distributor does not have to waste time or do anything extra when it comes to marketing. That is all taken care of by us. The backup services and aftersales service is all totally handled by us. Chemoquip is 25 years old. About 10 or 12 years ago, we started Chemoquip Tanzania. We have a very good team over there and it is running well. We also have sub distributors in Uganda and Tanzania. Tanzania is quite large so Chemoquip Tanzania only looks after Dar es Salaam and its environment. From Kenya, we handle Arusha and other parts of Tanzania. We have distributors in Rwanda, Uganda, Malawi. We are not as active in DRC Congo and Burundi because of the instability in those countries”, says Feroz Nawab.


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