Brazil’s IT Sector: Stefanini’s Global Expansion

Marco Antonio Stefanini, CEO Global of Stefanini
Stefanini is a major IT player, offering consulting services, solution development and integration, Business Process Outsourcing, application and infrastructure outsourcing… Its CEO, Marco Antonio Stefanini, talks about the company’s vision.

Interview with Marco Antonio Stefanini, CEO Global of Stefanini

Marco Stefanini

You have achieved an amazing feat here, creating a Brazilian company that is the second most internationalized company with 15,000 people. Stefanini is a great success story. What is your personal creed and what is your vision for the company?

Today, Stefanini trains more than 50,000 people in digital inclusion and we are talking with some other countries, including the US, on how we can expand this program.

Our vision is to have a very good space to grow more, mainly because in this environment, where the economy is much more dynamic, with our business model that is very flexible, we can add value to our client. We understand that, even for global companies to grow, they need to learn more about how to do business in the emerging market. They must be more flexible, more agile, and Stefanini can help them. When we founded our company, we started off in a very hostile environment, as Brazil was very tough twenty or twenty five years ago. We were agile, flexible, always trying to think outside the box, bringing in new models, and we want to offer these models to our clients. This is our main message on how to grow in this new economic environment.

To touch a little on our social responsibility, we have deep work in this area. Today, we train more than 50,000 people in digital inclusion. It’s a very interesting program and we are talking with some other countries, including the US (in Michigan, for example), on how we can expand this program. Although today Brazil is in good shape and is growing, we still have poverty. Here in Brazil, we are very proud because we are reducing our poverty very quickly. In ten years, we reduced it by almost 50%, and these are incredible numbers. We, at Stefanini, participate as a company and as a citizen, and we can also extend this experience and knowledge to a lot of different countries.

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