Brazil Trade

List of all articles filed under “brazil-trade” category.

Trade Agro: International Commodity Trading Company in Brazil

Eduardo Figueiredo, Managing Director of Trade Agro
Eduardo Figueiredo gives his evaluation of the agriculture and agribusiness sector in Brazil and presents his company: Trade Agro. Mr Figueiredo gives an overview of the company’s philosophy and values, success cases and current projects, as well as his vision for the future of the sector in the next three years.

CCFB: Promoting Trading Partnerships Between France and Brazil

Benoit d’Iribarne, President of CCFB SP (Sao Paulo French-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce)
Benoit d’Iribarne gives an overview of the French-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce and talks about the Brazilian economy, sharing his outlook for Brazil in 2014 and mentioning some of the sectors with high potential for growth in the years to come.

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