Assessment of the Tourism Sector in Kenya by Simon Kabu of Bonfire Adventures

Simon Kabu, Chairman and CEO of Bonfire Adventures, shares his assessment of the tourism sector in Kenya and explains what are the latest trends.

Simon Kabu, Chairman and CEO of Bonfire Adventures, shares his assessment of the tourism sector in Kenya and explains what are the latest trends.

“The tourism trend in Kenya has changed over time. With the involvement of internet and social media, we now have enlightened clients. Before they come, they learn about the country, they have traveled, and they know what they want. Things have changed and we have changed as well. Apart from the normal bush and beach holiday, there have been many things that we have been able to incorporate like MICE, agricultural tourism such as coffee, farming, etc. We have expanded what we offer both as a company and as a country. The tourism sector now is very competitive, unlike before where we only had a few major players. Because of the involvement of the internet and social media, many people can book hotels online. There is a lot of competition from Airbnb, etc. Even if there is competition, it has made our work a bit easier because there is always a client for each sector. There is someone for Uber, Airbnb, clients who like to use hotels because they do not want to cook, or ones who want an agent to do the planning for them, handle them, advise them on the best timings or places from experience”, says Simon Kabu.


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