Scientific Center of Kuwait: Learning with Fun-Value

Why not combine leisure time with the pleasure of learning in an exciting environment? The Scientific Center of Kuwait (TSCK) makes it possible.

Fun at the Scientific Center of Kuwait

Why not combine leisure time with the pleasure of learning in an exciting environment? The Scientific Center of Kuwait (TSCK) makes it possible.

Fascination instead of Facebook, participating instead partying.

Popular among residents and tourists alike, the Scientific Center of Kuwait is a cluster of different theme and amusement spots. Attractions comprise a giant aquarium, a discovery place, an IMAX cinema, and a dhow harbor.

Founded in the year 2000 by the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences, the center aims to attract families and students who are eager to raise their scientific awareness by spending hours if not days in a learning area, which does not neglect the fun factor: Fascination instead of Facebook, participating instead partying.

The Discovery place is recommended to children of primary school age or even below. Learning about sciences through show-experiments, and through interactive games and activities is the heart of the center.A shark in the Scientific Center of Kuwait

In order to not leave children passively watching events, the Scientific Center of Kuwait also offers workshops where the kids can learn about chemistry, the laws of physics, or mathematics by working “hands on”.

While Kuwait is famous for its long and partly untouched beaches, the Arabian Gulf’s underwater world remains a secret for many. The aquarium holds 1.5 million liters of water and contains deep sea sharks, turtles, fish and artificial corals. For visitors who are not scared of sharks, a breathtaking ride with them is possible! “Other services provided are privately guided tours and the “Dive with the Sharks” program. This program allows visitors above 14 years of age who hold open water scuba diving license to dive “side by side with the sharks in the main tank for 30 minutes,” the website says.

In addition, 42 interactive screens are placed in front of every exhibit, filled with valuable information related to animals within the center.

The ecological stability of the Gulf waters are vital to the Gulf states, hence the Scientific Center of Kuwait also wants to raise awareness among visitors how sensitive the life of fish and maritime fauna is.

While an IMAX cinema might raise eyebrows: films shown in the 15 meter high and 20 meter wide screen are documentaries and 3D educational films. “To create the illusion of three-dimensional depth, the IMAX 3D uses two camera lenses to represent the left and right eyes. The two lenses are separated by an interocular distance of 64 mm (2.5 in), the average distance between a human’s eyes,” the Scientific Center of Kuwait website explains.A shark in the Scientific Center of Kuwait

The Center’s challenge is to create useful programs and workshops in collaboration with schools. Exhibits are changed every 6 months. Many companies consider the Center as a venue to organize their events. Many visiting politicians choose this place to visit when they come to Kuwait.

The center attracts 600 thousand people per year. As the costs to run it are high, sponsors are welcome.

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