Zamara Group: Providing Actuarial Services, Pensions, Medical and Insurance Solutions Across Africa

Sundeep Raichura, Group CEO at Zamara Group, presents the diversified financial services firm and discusses expansion plans across the African continent.

Sundeep Raichura, Group CEO at Zamara Group, presents the diversified financial services firm and discusses expansion plans across the African continent.

“Zamara Group has been in Kenya for the last 28 years. We started from very humble beginnings in 1994 as the branch office of a UK firm of consulting actuaries called Hymans Robertson. We were a very small outfit. We were simply handling the actuarial consulting work from the UK, but the business started growing rapidly. I joined in 1995. We were both on the insurance and pension side. The client base started increasing. In 2003, we became part of the Alexander Forbes Group, and that enabled us to increase the scope of our services, as well as the types of things we could do. We diversified into pension fund administration, investment consulting, and insurance broking. In 2017, because of changes in the Kenyan legislation, we rebranded to Zamara. And now, we have expanded into six countries in Africa, and we have a Pan African ambition as well”, says Sundeep Raichura.

“As Zamara Group, we are a diversified financial services business specializing in actuarial, pensions, medical and insurance solutions. The countries that we currently operate in, other than Kenya, are Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Malawi and Nigeria. The intention is to expand that geographic footprint to about 10 countries in the next three years as part of our strategic plan. We are looking to enter DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo) hopefully before the end of this year”, he adds.

ABOUT SUNDEEP RAICHURA: Sundeep Raichura is a qualified actuary and Group CEO of Zamara Group with over 30 years of experience in actuarial, pensions, and investment consultancy. He has been involved in and contributed to all aspects of the pension conversation in Kenya, ranging from pension reform, regulatory enhancement, product innovation, pension fund investments, and much more. He is the current Chairman of the Kenya Pension Funds Investment Consortium (KEPFIC).


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