The Famous Three Kuwait Towers

Monuments in Kuwait
Visit the famous three Kuwait Towers located at the tip of Kuwait City thereby offering a magnificient view on Kuwaiti coastline.

The Famous Kuwait Towers

Have a lunch or a dinner with you family and friends and enjoy a stunning sunset over the Kuwait City.

The famous Kuwait Towers are three towers built of concrete, located at the tip of the Kuwait City. The main tower is 187 m tall. It serves as a water tower and you can find there a restaurant with a Viewing sphere which turns around and completes a turn every half an hour.

The second tower is a bit smaller, rising to around 120m above the sea and represents a water tower with a water capacity up to 4,500 cubic meters of water (including the capacity of the first tower). The third tower controls the electricity flow and so is responsible for a perfect illumination of the two other towers.

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