Doing Business in Kuwait

There are numerous ways to enter Kuwaiti market. KFIB is one of the options. The foreign investors can enter into a JV with a local partner, they can follow a standard procedure with the ministry of industry, choose an opportunity with the offset program or participate in a PPP.

There are numerous ways to enter Kuwaiti market. KFIB is one of the options. The foreign investors can enter into a JV with a local partner, they can follow a standard procedure with the ministry of industry, choose an opportunity with the offset program or participate in a PPP. 

Sheikh Dr. Meshaal Jaber Al Ahmed Al Sabah, Chairman of KFIB admits that “the main difficulty for the foreign investors remains red tape and bureaucracy.”

Already, there are signs that the government is trying to address the issue, for example “the ministries and the governmental agencies are linking through a new e-government system that should reduce red tape”, adds Dr. Al Sabah.

The government of Kuwait has been at the tail in attracting the FDI. Over the last decade Kuwait attracted only US$ 313 million in FDI.


Investment in Kuwait | Kuwait’s Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)


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