Nabo Capital: 50 Years of Expertise in Asset Management Across Africa

Pius Muchiri talks about why Nabo Capital is unique and explains what makes it different from the competition.

Pius Muchiri talks about why Nabo Capital is unique and explains what makes it different from the competition.

“Nabo Capital was spun off from Centum in 2013. We used to run as one of their departments, and by forming Nabo Capital and obtaining a fund management license, we flung open the doors of managed third-party funds. Before that, for over 40 years, we had never managed any other funds other than our own, and we mainly had people coming to us and saying “we want to replicate the kind of performance that you are able to generate through your expertise.” We then decided on buying the Centum share, and getting the fund management license helped us to apply our expertise more than as part of Centum – now as our client. Therefore, one advantage that we have is that we do not take people where we do not go ourselves, so we invest our own money in those markets, and as such, we do not experiment with other people’s money. We have a long track-record, of almost 50 years, in managing our own money and doing so successfully”, says Pius Muchiri.

“I believe we are the only ones in this market with vast experience in dealing with over 700 securities across Africa. We have invested in over 10 markets, and we will continue adding more markets to our portfolios”, he adds.

“We are the only ones to be probably as well set up, in terms of investment products, philosophy, processes and procedures, by positioning ourselves to manage very sophisticated foreign investors or clients. This is something we see at work even with the kind of clients we currently have. In fact, the greater share of our portfolio is for foreign rather than local investors”, he concludes.

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