Joy Industries: Ointment, Soap and Alcoholic Products with Medicinal Properties

Dr. Manfred Takyi, CEO of Joy Industries, gives an overview of the products manufactured by the company. These include ointment, soap and alcoholic products with medicinal properties.

Dr. Manfred Takyi, CEO of Joy Industries, gives an overview of the products manufactured by the company. These include ointment, soap and alcoholic products with medicinal properties.

“We started producing ointment first and we later introduced our herbal soap. The other herbal medicines followed. What made us go into alcohol is that in Ghana, especially in the remote areas, when you visit the villages, you see people that have drank alcohol. We have an alcoholic product that is brewed locally called Akpeteshie. It effects people quite strongly because of its content. It is not brewed to its finest level. Neither does it contain any medicinal properties. So, we decided that with our knowledge in healing herbs, we had to introduce those herbs into alcohol. We have herbs that take care of the kidneys, the liver, that strain the blood, or that are good for general well-being. People drink our alcohol not just like drinking any alcoholic product, they are taking it so that they will also get the medicinal benefit. It is doing wonders for so many people. We have had calls from all angles of customers that drank our alcoholic beverage when they were having an illness or sickness, and they cannot feel it anymore. It is because of the medicinal herbs that we use in producing the alcoholic beverage”, says Dr. Manfred Takyi.

“We have started exporting to neighboring African countries like Nigeria, Togo, Benin, Liberia, and others. It is making massive inroads there because of its potent medicinal effects”, he adds.


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