Falcon Group: Diversification Key to Market Leadership in Iraq

“We focus our efforts to rebuild Iraq and its different sectors like construction, real estate, transportation, agriculture, security, oil and gas services and many other fields … because we love our country and we focus on rebuilding and investing in it.”

Falcon Group: Diversification Key to Market Leadership in Iraq

ERBIL: One of the largest business firms operating in the autonomous region of Kurdistan, and indeed, throughout Iraq, is the multifaceted Falcon Group.

Founded in 2003, the year of Saddam Hussein’s overthrow, the Falcon conglomerate offers a range of services; including the large Falcon Construction unit; Falcon Oil & Gas, Falcon Batch Plant, a concrete manufacturer; and Falcon Security; a growing executive protection firm.

“We focus our efforts to rebuild Iraq and its different sectors like construction, real estate, transportation, agriculture, security, oil and gas services and many other fields ….because we love our country and we focus on rebuilding and investing in it.”


“Falcon group, one of the leading companies in Iraq, consists of almost 14 companies entirely owned by Iraqis. We as Falcon group earn money from Iraq and invest it back in Iraq and this gave our company a good image in the country,” Falcon Chairman Peshraw Majid Agha told Marcopolis.

“We focus our efforts to rebuild Iraq and its different sectors like construction, real estate, transportation, agriculture, security, oil and gas services and many other fields … because we love our country and we focus on rebuilding Iraq and investing in it.”

Falcon ConstructionFalcon Group Iraq: Logo

As a general contractor has the experience to complete a wide variety of projects. Working with subcontractors and their own in house labor forces, the construction unit has developed a reputation of completing projects on time and on budget.

A spokesman for the unit told Marcopolis: “We offer general contracting services in addition to preconstruction, construction management and design/build services. We will perform work on both a negotiated and a competitive bid basis.”

He added that this encompasses: construction, management, and design/build. Pre-construction, services, conceptual budgeting, value engineering life-cycle analysis, scheduling phase analysis and estimating.

Both in the region and internationally the company is known for its current large-scale Empire World project, a $2.3 billion project covering a land area of 750,000 square meters. Empire World is a leading real-estate development in Erbil and it is home to several major real estate and development projects including villas, apartments, business towers and lifestyle facilities.

Speaking to Marcopolis, chairman Agha talked about the volume of FDI coming into Kurdistan and the secure environment maintained by the government which helps to assure foreign investors.

“Regarding investments in Kurdistan region, the U.S government invested about $6 billion during the last six years since 2006, this shows that the Kurdistan region is an area of security where it is safe to invest,” the Falcon Chairman said.Falcon Group, a leading conglomerate in Iraq and Kurdistan region

“Also the regional government has implemented a lot of projects during the last six years, and nowadays there are many open projects for investments like bridges, roads, hospitals, dams and power plants, all of this made the investors feel safe,” Agha told Marcopolis.

“Because of that Marriott brand decided to come into Kurdistan, knowing that Marriott is a part of our “Empire World” project, gives it additional credibility. At a cost of over $2 billion, the project will encompass apartments, villas and office towers along other life requirements like malls and other facilities. All of these investments in Kurdistan are to enrich the area.”

Falcon Oil & Gas

Consisting of several divisions including warehousing and equipment rental services. Falcon Oil & Gas Services will be well positioned to meet the needs of the ever-growing oil and gas industry in Kurdistan. Drawing from over 50 years of technical expertise, the Oil & Gas division’s management team “is committed to creating value and providing support for our customers in the upstream, midstream and downstream sectors,” the company said.

Falcon Oilfield Services

With extensive technical expertise and high performance oil and gas rental equipment for drilling, workover, and production applications, Falcon Oilfield Services sets the standard for excellence helping customers meet both their operational and commercial targets. Falcon Oilfield Services offers customers the flexibility to rent and return or keep and buy equipment as their needs change.

Falcon Group construction and real estate: Empire World in Erbil

Falcon Warehousing

Located outside of the city checkpoints, with direct access to both the North and South of Iraq, the warehousing unit offers companies a unique solution to meet the challenges of oversized equipment, safety, security and supply chain demands.

Falcon Batch Plant

This unit manufactures concrete using the latest equipment and machines. The Batch Plant can produce 240 square meters of cement per hour (dry mix). The Batch Plant divison operates using the latest computer systems and programs as boasts a special laboratory for testing cubes in order to ensure the highest quality of product.

“Some of our projects have included Chra Mall, Tablo Mall, Sofi Mall and Qaisari Mall. Additionally, we have been proud to provide concrete to Baiban City Project, Zaitwan City Project, the new Erbil Silo Project, along with Abu-Shahab City Project and of course our own project, Empire World,” the company said in a statement.

Falcon Security

The security unit of the company is one of Iraq’s largest 100 percent Iraqi-owned and operated registered security companies with corporate head offices in Baghdad and branch offices in Erbil, Basra and Kirkuk.

The management group consists of retired U.S. Army personnel who set and enforce our high corporate standards. Our team leaders possess expertise in high risk transport and have the knowledge and experience necessary to move clients safely throughout Iraq and our professional delivery of services in a disciplined and purposefully understated fashion has been extremely successful.

Falcon trains, equips and supports its staff both logistically and materially. Providing intelligence, management, communications and a variety of transportation modes including armored vehicles and emergency medical support, weapons, ammunition and both urban and remote site life support, we are able to provide the required services for all security missions.Falcon group agiculture in Iraq and Kurdistan region

Other life support services include: Fully secured villas in Baghdad, Basra and Erbil; Airport pick-up/drop-off from all the airports; private or Semi-private rooms with Internet, laundry and meals; and, Secure Camps.

Falcon Agriculture

The question or challenge for Kurdistan is to regain and reform its arable land, revive forgotten knowledge on farming and agriculture and take the opportunity to gain the position as an exporter of crops. Falcon Agriculture focuses on the goal to feed all Iraqis by empowering farmers and agribusiness investors to maximize Iraq’s enormous growth potential.

Falcon is involved with international sponsors and corporations to assess identify and address the inherent agricultural challenges and assist in solutions. The agricultural divisions is involved in supporting and enhancing product development and envisions Iraqi products not only filling the bazaars and markets of Iraq but similarly gracing the counters and shelves of international emporiums.

Services include: Raising awareness about agricultural processes, knowledge, and new production techniques, Falcon Agriculture is an integrated company that engages in manufacturing, development, testing, registration, marketing, sales and distribution of agricultural products and equipment.

Falcon Agriculture is also involved in landscaping and planning applications and has developed several nurseries to support this venture. Infrastructure, rolled grass production and application, decks, pools, fountains and waterfalls are some of the services offered.

VISIONFalcon group professional security services in Iraq

On his vision for the company going forward Falcon Group Chairman Peshraw Majid Agha noted again that the overarching emphasis for Falcon is rebuilding and investing in Iraq: “We as Falcon group earn money from Iraq and invest it back in Iraq and this gave our company a good image in the country.”

“I can also say that almost all of our management consists of experts who hold 15 to 20 years of experience in business, also we have a number of employees that ranges upwards of 2,000 Iraqi workers,” the chairman said.

“We focus our efforts to rebuild Iraq and its different sectors like construction, real estate, transportation, agriculture, security, oil and gas services and many other fields. We are driven by our love for our country and it’s people and our desire to build a bright future.”


Empire World’s projects include the Empire Business Towers and Business Complex, the Residential Wings, Diamond Towers, Marriott Hotel, Pearl Towers, and Royal City which consists of Empire Royal Villas and Empire Royal Apartments. These areas and buildings serve diverse functions as residences, offices, entertainment facilities, and hotels.

By the end of the project, Empire World will have built 88 Towers and 300 luxury villas over a 750,000 square foot area area. The company was founded in 2007 and is planning to finish their extensive project by 2017. Altogether, the company has invested in excess of $2.3 billion.

Empire World is one of the leading companies in the Kurdistan Iraq real estate sector today.

More information can be found at www.empireiraq.com.



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