Iraq Capital Markets

List of all articles filed under “iraq-capital-markets” category.

Erbil Stock Exchange

According to Abdul-Rahman, “There are many reasons for the establishment of the market in Erbil. One of these reasons is that people save big amounts of their money at home because of what happened during the past regime time when banks’ managements were withdrawn from Iraqi Kurdistan taking people money with them, so a lot of people today don’t trust banks enough to deposit their money at.”

Erbil Stock Exchange: Mapping the Development of Capital Markets in Iraqi Kurdistan

The idea of establishing a stock exchange in Iraqi Kurdistan dates back to 2007. Erbil Stock Exchange recently signed a new agreement with Nasdaq Omex, which will substantially facilitate companies participation whether they are local or foreign. All companies in Iraq, not only those in Erbil or other parts of Iraqi Kurdistan, will have the opportunity to be enlisted on Erbil Stock Exchange.

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