Kurdistan Politics

List of all articles filed under “kurdistan-politics” category.

$25 Billion Spent on Development of Erbil Governorate Between 2004-2012

$25 billion had been spent on the development of the Erbil governorate in between 2004 and 2012, resulting in profound changes in different sectors, including construction and infrastructure, which predisposed Erbil to become an important trade center not only for Iraqi Kurdistan but for all of Iraq; thus becoming, for some, the economic capital of Iraq. Accommodating 37 nationalities and 27 consulates, Erbil boasts with an unemployment rate of about 5% and was named the tourism capital of 2014.

An Interview with Nechirvan Barzani: The Priority is to Achieve Self-Sufficiency within the new Federal Iraq

The government of Kurdistan Region is doing everything necessary to achieve self-sufficiency of the Region within the new federal Iraq. Kurdistan Region is well-known for its investment-friendly law thanks to which the Investment Board of Kurdistan has been so far able to attract more than $22 billion of investments since 2006. Mr. Barzani also stresses the importance of understanding and recognition of the difficulties the Region had to overcome in the past.

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