EBEI | Infrastructure Engineering Company in Brazil

EBEI is an infrastructure engineering company acting in the segments of rail transportation, road transportation, ports, waterways, water resources and consultancy for the support of concession and privatization in Brazil.

rail transportation in Brazil

About EBEI

EBEI engineering



Rua Santo Antonio, 184 – 20° andar
CEP: 01314-000 – Sao Paulo



Tel. +55 (11) 3292.8922

Fax. +55 (11) 3292.8929




EBEI (Empresa Brasileira de Engenharia de Infraestrutura) is a Brazilian company specialized in infrastructure engineering, which was created in March 2009 from the acquisition of the company TRENDS Engineering and Consulting, founded in 1995.

Since 1995, EBEI has accumulated a significant technical collection and great experience which, along with the experience of its highly skilled and multidisciplinary team, enable the company to overcome new challenges with creativity, quality and professionalism.


Board of Directors


– Maria Beatriz Hopf Fernandes – CEO

– Fabio Luiz de Abreu Ramos – Director General

– Guilherme Soares de Sá Peixoto – Ports and Terminals Director


Main Activities

EBEI infrastructure

– Planning and Feasibility Studies

– Diagnostics and Drafts

– Basic and Executive Projects

– Expediting of Materials and Equipments

– Project Management

– Surveillance / Monitoring and Technical Supervision of Construction

– Environmental Oversight and Monitoring of the Works

– Technical Support, Concessions and Privatizations


More information about EBEI

EBEI: Brazilian Company of Engineering and Infrastructure

EBEI: Engineering and Infrastructure Sector in Brazil
Brazil Infrastructure: Partnerships and Investment Opportunities
EBEI: Benefits and Challenges of International Partnerships

Rail Transportation


EBEI’s experience in rail transportation covers all stages of an enterprise – from feasibility studies and preparation of basic and executives designs to management, supervision and monitoring – of whether the projects or the construction, modernization or renovation of the rail transportation system, including tracks, stations and rolling stock.

EBEI provides consultancy and technical advice for the implementation of mass transportation systems, integration of transportation systems, preparation of technical specifications and documentation, and also formulates and implements modeling projects for service concession.

Also in this area, EBEI conducts studies, data evaluation and simulations to ensure the viability of new projects and businesses.

rail transportation in Brazil


Light Surface Metro of Manaus – SEPLAN (Amazonas Secretariat of Planning and Economic Development): Basic Design

Metro of Curitiba – IPPUC (Curitiba Institute for Urban Research and Planning) – City Hall of Curitiba: Engineering Project

Line 6 Orange, Lots 4, 7 and 9 of the Metro of Sao Paulo – Sao Paulo Company of the Metropolitan: Basic Architecture and Civil Engineering Project

Line 17 Gold of the Metro of Sao Paulo – Sao Paulo Company of the Metropolitan: Basic Architecture and Civil Engineering Project (Lot 1) and Management and Validation of the Executive Project of the entire line 17

Line 15 Silver of the Metro of Sao Paulo – Sao Paulo Company of the Metropolitan: Basic Architecture and Civil Engineering Project (Lot 2) and Management and Validation of the Executive Project of the entire line 15

Line 4 Yellow of the Metro of Sao Paulo – Sao Paulo Company of the Metropolitan: Management PMOC (BIRD) of Phases 1 and 2, Management and Validation of the Executive Project of Phase 2 and Basic Architecture and Civil Engineering Project of Phase 3

Main Clients:

– METRÔ – Companhia do Metropolitano de São Paulo (Sao Paulo Company of the Metropolitan)

– BNDES – Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (Brazilian Development Bank)

– FGV – Fundação Getúlio Vargas

– CPTM – Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos (Sao Paulo Metropolitan Trains Company)

– IPPUC – Instituto de Pesquisa e Planejamento Urbano de Curitiba (Curitiba Institute for Urban Research and Planning)

– CBTU – Companhia Brasileira de Trens Urbanos (Brazilian Company of Urban Trains)

– SEPLAN/AM – Secretaria de Estado de Planejamento e Desenvolvimento Econômico (Amazonas Secretariat of Planning and Economic Development)

– METROFOR – Companhia Cearense de Transportes Metropolitanos (Ceará Metropolitan Transportation Company)

– FDTE – Fundação para o Desenvolvimento Tecnológico da Engenharia (Foundation for the Technological Development of Engineering)

– CENTRAL – Companhia Estadual de Engenharia de Transportes e Logística (State Company for Transport and Logistics Engineering)

– EMTU – Empresa Metropolitana de Transportes Urbanos de São Paulo (Sao Paulo Urban Transport Metropolitan Company)

– STM – Secretaria de Estado dos Transportes Metropolitanos (State Secretariat of Metropolitan Transportation)

– ERNST & YOUNG Consultores Associados Ltda.

– SIEMENS do Brasil Ltda.

– MITSUI Brasileira Importação e Exportação S/A


Road Transportation


In the road transportation sector, EBEI also acts preparing and consolidating studies, basic and executive projects. Still, the following services predominate in the company’s portfolio: management services, supervision and inspection of works in progress, recovery and improvements, including coordination and management of development projects, surveillance and environmental monitoring, surveillance of highways operated by the private initiative, support of legal competence activities regarding the supervision of highways and management of traffic research and development /implementation of geo-referenced information system.

road transportation in Brazil


Lot 6, Intervias, SP 330 – ARTESP (Sao Paulo State Transportation Agency): Supervision of Works

Jacu Pêssego Avenue, Lot 2 – DERSA (Sao Paulo Road Development): Inspection, Supervision and Monitoring of the Works

Valongo Underpass – Port of Santos – CODESP (Sao Paulo State Docks Company): Executive Project

Mobility Plan of the City of Natal (RN), 2014 World Cup – SEMOPI (Natal Municipal Secretariat of Public Works and Infrastructure): Basic and Executive Project

Mario Covas Road Ring – SP – DERSA (Sao Paulo Road Development): Environmental Monitoring of the Implementation of the South Branch and Management of the Deployment of the Works of the North Branch

D. Pedro I Highway – Lot 7 – ARTESP (Sao Paulo State Transportation Agency): Inspection, Supervision and Monitoring of the Works

Main Clients:

– SEMOPI – Secretaria Municipal de Obras Públicas e Infra-estrutura de Natal (Natal Municipal Secretariat of Public Works and Infrastructure)

– DERSA – Desenvolvimento Rodoviário S/A (Sao Paulo Road Development)

– DER – Departamento de Estradas de Rodagem do Estado de São Paulo (Sao Paulo State Highways Department)

– ARTESP – Agencia Reguladora de Serviços Públicos Delegados de Transporte do Estado de São Paulo (Sao Paulo State Transportation Agency)

Ports – Waterways – Water Resources


EBEI has been intensively and comprehensively working in the ports, waterways and water resources segment, performing technical, economic and environmental (EVTEA) feasibility studies, market analysis, operating assumptions and basic data; reviewing and projecting potential demand; elaborating conceptual, basic and executive projects for the execution of works implementation, expansion and improvement of port terminals.

EBEI’s experience in this segment extends to supervision in various areas, including technical design verification, coordination and supervision of the quality of the works and services performed by third parties, monitoring and compliance of the implementation schedule, in addition to management and supervision of active terminals for port operation.

brazilian ports


Containers and Liquid Bulk Port Terminal in Santos – BTP – Brasil Terminal Portuário (Brazil Port Terminal): Management and Supervision of Works

Paraná River Basin – Waterway – AHRANA/CODOMAR – DNIT: Technical, Economic and Environmental Feasibility Studies and Basic Design for Navigability (EVTEA)

Libra Rio Container Terminal – Libra Terminals: Plan and Basic Infrastructure Project

New Passenger Terminal in the Valongo Area – Port of Santos – SP – MSC Mediterranean Shipping do Brasil Ltda: Basic Project

Adequation for the Alignment of the Piers of Outinheiros – Port of Santos – CODESP (Sao Paulo State Docks Company): Management and Supervision of the Projects and Works

Multiple Usage of Santa Maria da Serra – DH – Departamento Hidroviário do Estado de São Paulo (Sao Paulo State Waterways Department): Adequacy of the Basic Design and Executive Project of the Dam, Lock and Powerhouse

Main Clients:

– Santos Brasil

– AHRANA – Administração da Hidrovia do Paraná (Paraná Waterway Management)

– CODESP – Companhia Docas do Estado de São Paulo (Sao Paulo State Docks Company)

– CODOMAR – Companhia Docas do Maranhão (Maranhão Docks Company)

– ITAPOÁ – Terminais Portuários S/A

– BTP – Brasil Terminal Portuários (Brazil Port Terminal)

– DH – Departamento Hidroviário do Estado de São Paulo (Sao Paulo State Waterways Department)

– MSC Mediterranean Shipping do Brasil Ltda.

– LIBRA Terminais S/A

– Construtora Andrade Gutierrez S/A

– Cargill Agrícola S/A

Consultancy for the Support of Concession and Privatization


In addition to the services that encompass studies and projects, supervision and inspection, EBEI provides advice and consultancy for concession and privatization projects, including feasibility studies, financial, marketing and business consultancy; analysis and evaluation of data for business viability; preparation of tender basis, feasibility studies, basic design and modeling, in the rail, road, ports and waterways segments.

EBEI consultancy


Privatization Project of Sao Paulo Metropolitan Transportation’s Electric System – Ernst & Young Consultores Associados Ltda: Feasibility Study

Concession of the Rail Trunk and Feeder System connecting Rio de Janeiro/Niterói/São Gonçalo/Itaboraí – Ernst & Young Consultores Associados Ltda: Feasibility Studies, Basic Design and Modeling

Total ou Partial Transfer of CPTM’s Operational Services to Private Initiative – Hidroservice/CPTM (Sao Paulo Metropolitan Trains Company): Financial, Marketing and Negotiation Consulting

Main Clients:

– ERNST & YOUNG Consultores Associados Ltda.

– FGV – Fundação Getúlio Vargas

– Hidroservice/CPTM SP (Sao Paulo Metropolitan Trains Company)

– AP Engenheiros Consultores

– METRÔ de Lima e Callao PERU

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