Complast Industries: More Than 20 Years of Success Stories Throughout Africa

Nizar Hemraj, Managing Director of Complast Industries, mentions some of the company’s main success stories since its establishment in August 1994. Some of them include their ISO certification, the Club 101 ranking and their partnership with Danida to make ballot boxes for various countries throughout Africa.

Nizar Hemraj, Managing Director of Complast Industries, mentions some of the company’s main success stories since its establishment in August 1994. Some of them include their ISO certification, the Club 101 ranking and their partnership with Danida to make ballot boxes for various countries throughout Africa.

“Complast received ISO certification in 2008. We were also ranked in the top 100 companies and then graduated to Club 101. Later on, we partnered with Danida, which is the Danish B2B program. With their technology and support, we were able to receive tenders to make ballot boxes for various countries throughout Africa. Previously, all ballot boxes and election materials were imported, and it was proving to be very expensive transporting them from Europe to Africa. We have supplied the ballot boxes for many elections to Uganda, Malawi, Central African Republic and other African countries”, says Nizar Hemraj.

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