Brazil Education

List of all articles filed under “brazil-education” category.

Ozires Silva: Brazilian Education, Embraer, Innovation & Research

Ozires Silva, Rector of Unimonte and Founder of Embraer
Ozires Silva, current Rector of Unimonte and Founder of Embraer argues that the education system in Brazil should be reformed in order to face a competition that is growing internationally. He also talks about entrepreneurship, the founding of Embraer and the importance of innovation and research for the future of Brazil.

IT Training and Education in Brazil: Impacta

Impacta has successfully established itself as the IT training and IT education centre in Brazil and Latin America itself. Impacta Technology Group is praised for its technology and methodology which is offered to individuals and/or companies. Impacta is well-known for its excellent methodology of world-class quality and has become a leader in the IT training and IT education in Brazil.

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