Publishing Sector in Brazil: João Doria on Publishing Industry in Brazil
João Doria, President of Grupo DORIA, talks about the publishing & media industry in a multi facet interview for report on Brazil.
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João Doria, President of Grupo DORIA, talks about the publishing & media industry in a multi facet interview for report on Brazil.
In January 2003, the index of the stock market was 11,000 points, and today it’s 56,000 points. An investor who invested money in 2003 – almost nine years ago – would have his assets five times bigger now – not too many countries provided this kind of opportunity.
Brazil Videos
Innovation in Brazil
Brazil needs to invest much more in innovation. Nonetheless, Brazil can be one of the leaders in the green economy. It uses renewable energy at the level that no other country does in the world; around 10 to 12 million cars use biofuels in Brazil.
In the next five years, Brazil has to produce 50% more energy than today.
The main challenge for Brazil oil and gas sector is the ability to invest the resources to build platforms, drilling rigs and ships as well as the infrastructure upstream and downstream.
Brazil is going to invest R$214 billion (U.S.$ 122 billion) to build hydroelectric, solar and wind power projects in the next decade.
Fernando Pimentel, H.E. Minister of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (H.E. Ministro do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior)
H.E. Minister of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade discusses the trade in Brazil, its prospects and the overall economy and the future of Brazil.
Entrevista com Wellington Moreira Franco
Nós temos um compromisso de construir uma sociedade justa, uma sociedade inclusiva, com uma desigualdade social pequena.
We have a commitment to build a fair society, an inclusive society, with small social inequality.