Brazil Interviews

List of all articles filed under “brazil-interviews” category.

Engineering in Brazil: “Highly Competitive” says Niplan Engeneering – Brazil

Paulo Nishimura, President of Niplan Engenharia
According to Paulo Nishimura, there are positive developments in the oil and gas, mining and infrastructures sectors. But nowadays, the construction and industry sector has become highly competitive, so the national players, are going through an alert period in terms of competitiveness, even though the future growth scenery is very optimistic.

Investment in Brazil: Brazilian Market Outlook 2012

Luiz Fernando Figueiredo, Founding Member of Mauá Sekular Investimentos
Brazil has a great amount of funds for the capital market, considering the size of the country. Most of the citizen’s savings are in the country, not abroad. Also, the capital market has improved quite a lot, because the whole legal framework has improved in the last ten years.

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