Libya to Spend LYD 1.5 billion on ICT Investment Projects in 5 Years

In 2013 two major contracts for the modernization of the two mobile operators are signed. For Libyana the estimated costs of the upgrade is LYD 230-250 million and approximately the same amount for Almadar, the second largest mobile operator in Libya. Eng. Usama Siala, Minister of Communications and Informatics of Libya, explains the telecom investment road-map for 2013-2014.

In 2013 two major contracts for the modernization of the two mobile operators are signed. For Libyana the estimated costs of the upgrade is LYD 230-250 million and approximately the same amount for Almadar, the second largest mobile operator in Libya. Eng. Usama Siala, Minister of Communications and Informatics of Libya, explains the telecom investment road-map for 2013-2014.

“In 2013 we are going to be signing at least 2 major contracts for the modernisation of the two mobile operators. These are the two biggest projects and we also have quite a few other smaller projects. For Libyana, we estimate around 230 to 250 million Libyan dinars of investment and it will be around the same for Almadar,” explains Siala.

The projects involve the modernization of the whole network: core, billing, value added services, radio and transmission.

Regarding the investment projects for fiber optics, Siala adds: “When it comes to fiber, we are almost done, most of our projects are back on track, and some of them are 60% or 70% completed so there are no major contracts in fiber yet. In the wire line we are going to start some pilots for FDT (Fiber Distribution Terminal) fiber to the home technology, we are going to invite three or four of the major vendors, give them certain areas and set them some KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and if they reach these KPIs we will buy the service from them. Then based on the technology and the experience we have, for example with the Fiber to the home which at the moment we only have in one location in Libya, we will start spreading this technology. This will be a huge project, just the civil work we expect to cost 1 billion Libyan dinars, to connect fiber to every single home.”

“I do not expect this one billion Libyan dinars to be spent during this coming year or two; it will be spent over 5 years. We cannot just go around putting fibre cables in everywhere, but wherever there is a new property development we will install them, or wherever there is a business project they will also be installed, thus we will prioritise our spending in this area,” concludes Siala.

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