Libya Transportation Interviews

List of all articles filed under “libya-transportation-interviews” category.

Libyan Ministry of Transportation: New deals for ports, airports, railways and road projects

Abdel-Qader Mohamed Ahmed Al-Ayib, Minister of Transportation of Libya
The infrastructure in Libya has been damaged in all areas during the revolution or during the pre-revolution period and all the projects have been detained, so the Ministry of Transport of Libya has to take on a huge reconstruction of the infrastructure in Libya. ADPI (Aeroports de Paris) have started their project for the Tripoli International Airport and a Canadian Lavalin is going to build the new Benina International Airport in Benghazi.

Libyan Airlines to become the leading airlines in Libya and surrounding region

Khaled Ben Alewa, CEO of Libyan Airlines
After the revolution and in fact during the revolution, the delivery of aircraft was postponed and we had to reschedule. Libyan Airlines are increasing their capacity with 3 A320s and 2 A330, thereby expanding their overall network. The Airlines are now flying to London, Manchester, Madrid and Malta while they are still oblidged to use leased aircraft. The company might also expand their routes to places further than Dubai in the eastern area. Once Libyan Airlines successfully adopted European safety requirements, the lifting of the EU ban should follow suit – probably by the end of 2013.

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