Libya Business Interviews

List of all articles filed under “libya-business-interviews” category.

Construction in Libya: Exclusive interview with Libyan Businessman Ahmed Maiteeg

Ahmed Maiteeg, General Manager of Thobacts Hotel and Managing Director of DAA Construction & Engineeringg
Ahmed Maiteeg is a successful Libyan businessman. The main advantage of the company’s hotels in Tripoli is the staff; they are very friendly and kind and they treat people as though they were guests in their own homes. The group focuses on business hospitability and provides excellent services for business travellers to Tripoli. Apart from the hospitability, Mr Maiteeg is also involved in the construction sector in Libya with the construction company DAA Construction & Engineering.

Libya: Doing Business is Getting Easier

Abdulnaser Ben Nafaa, Chairman of Libyan Businessmen Council
We should start by talking about the Libyan Businessmen Council which consists of 470 members from all sectors and specialized fields, including health care, education, construction, oil services, aviation and naval sector. This council was established back in 2004, yet it was only activated recently in 2013.

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