Kenya Economy

List of all articles filed under “kenya-economy” category.

Discussing the Latest Investment Opportunities in Kenya with Olivia Rachier of KenInvest

Olivia Rachier discusses the latest investment opportunities in Kenya and talks about the current strategy adopted by Kenya Investment Authority to attract investments. She also shares her assessment and latest news related to the Kenyan economy, and talks about her vision as well as the next developments she has in mind as the Acting Managing Director of KenInvest.

Invest in Kenya: An Overview of the Kenyan Economy by Moses Ikiara of KenInvest

Dr. Moses Ikiara gives an overview of the Kenyan economy and discusses investment opportunities in the country. KenInvest (Kenya Investment Authority) was established in 2004 with the main objective of promoting investments in Kenya. It is responsible for facilitating the implementation of new investment projects, providing after care services for new and existing investments, as well as organizing investment promotion activities, both locally and internationally.

Kenya Investment Authority: Kenya Offers Amazing Investment Opportunities

Moses Ikiara gives an overview of KenInvest (Kenya Investment Authority) and explains how the institution can help investors on a daily basis. He also mentions some of the country’s main advantages and most relevant investment opportunities.

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