Invest in Brazil

List of all articles filed under “invest-in-brazil” category.

Brazil Economy: Discussing Privatization Programs with Deputy Minister Diogo Mac Cord de Faria

Deputy Minister Diogo Mac Cord de Faria discusses privatization programs in Brazil, including large privatization processes which are underway with major economic actors, including Eletrobras, the largest utility company in Latin America, and Correios, the largest Post Office in Latin America. He also talks about the real estate sector, mentioning the creation of real estate trust funds which will lead to tremendous investment opportunities in Brazil.

CCFB: Promoting Trading Partnerships Between France and Brazil

Benoit d’Iribarne, President of CCFB SP (Sao Paulo French-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce)
Benoit d’Iribarne gives an overview of the French-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce and talks about the Brazilian economy, sharing his outlook for Brazil in 2014 and mentioning some of the sectors with high potential for growth in the years to come.

Potentials and Investment Opportunities in Rio Grande do Norte

Rosalba Ciarlini, Governor of Rio Grande do Norte
Rio Grande do Norte is a Brazilian State strategically located in Northeast Brazil, close to the USA, Europe and Africa. Rosalba Ciarlini presents the state and mentions its great potentials and investment opportunities. She also discusses the impacts of the World Cup and shares her vision for the future.

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